Say Yes

I don’t know how I became a success coach. No, seriously. When I consider the trajectory of my professional career at no point did I dream of landing a job where I would have to screen calls from students at midnight. Yet, here I am. But sis, if I had to be completely honest, being a coach and working with Say Yes Scholars, has been one of my most rewarding jobs to date.

Each student has challenged me (emphasis added on purpose)— I have learned to be more empathetic. I talk less (and I didn’t talk much to begin with). I have cried with some. Rejoiced with others. Raised my “momma” voice at a couple of ‘em. It has been a humbling experience.

When we are able to meet with our students in a group setting, our “call to action” is most eloquently expressed by the director of the program. In every presentation he gives, he admonishes students to: “Say Yes to YOU. Say Yes to US. Say Yes to YOUR Education!” My coworkers and I laugh at the lack of flavor in his tone but affirm with him what we believe to be true about our students—they can accomplish great things.

Yesterday, I was reminded that I just need to say yes, to God.

Abraham, said yes to God.

Moses did.

Gideon too.


Paul; and the list could go on.

Their yes was an act of faith that affirmed what they believed to be true about God. They believed Him to be a deliverer and warrior; a provider and protector. They believed Him to be the all-knowing, immutable God, so they acted. They said…amen. The fruit of their lives, which we are able to read about today, bear witness to all that God can do, if, we respond.

As we venture into 2022, it is time that we take back our “maybes” and give God a wholehearted YES. An old church song said it best— “I say yes, Lord, yes. to your will and to your way. I say yes, Lord, yes, I will trust you and obey.” This is our call to action as Believers—

  • Say “yes” to living set apart and not conformed to this world.

  • Say “yes” to spreading the Gospel.

  • Say “yes” to thriving as a daughter to the King.

  • Say “yes” to God.

Our yes will not be put to shame. Our yes will affirm who we believe God to be. Your yes will cause you to bear much fruit—You will accomplish great things.

If you need some guidance on how to live a life of “yes", book a discovery call with me, and let’s go on this journey together.


Keep walking royal,



Prepare for the Storm


And He Leads Me