And He Leads Me

Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart
And do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him,
And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].

Proverbs 3:5-6 AMP

I find horses to be one of the most majestic of God’s creations, however, their very presence can be intimidating. So, when I decided to go horseback riding a few years ago, ya girl was nervous.

In preparation for the 30-minute ride, my friends and I listened intently to the instructor as she explained what we should and should not do while on the trails and how to confidently control the horse with the reins. Absolutely none of that information meant a hill of beans to me, as I stared at the massive size of Geronimo (I think that was his name). I did not feel prepared, I did not feel equipped but I already paid my money and drove all the way to the barn—so, I had to at least try.

As I mounted the horse the uncertainty became unbearable and I legit screamed a little. But then, the instructor who was familiar with Geronimo, the person who had all the knowledge and the history of preparing other patrons for this experience, grabbed the reins and walked me a few times until some of my fear subsided. Sis, I was able to ride the horse without being thrown off.

I have had to make some really tough decisions this last year. I mean tough. Oftentimes, I did not feel prepared to make them, sometimes I felt like I invested too much to make any decision at all. I was intimidated by the sheer nature of what I was up against and the fear of making the wrong decision left me screaming for help.

God is so faithful.

Like the instructor who grabbed the reins of the horse to assure me that I was equipped to gallop through the woods with Geronimo, the Lord assured me that if I allowed him to take control of the situation, my path forward would be clearer. He reminded me through the pages of scripture, that his knowledge, his track record of guiding people through insurmountable odds was unmatched. However, unlike the instructor who eventually let go to allow me complete control, the Lord confirmed time and time again, that he will never leave me to figure it out on my own. He will lead me, every step of the way.

Are you facing a difficult decision or situation? Pray this—

Lord, your word says that I can trust and confidently rely on you for the direction of my life, in every situation—whether great or small. In my imperfect understanding, I release what I am facing into your hands. Lead me to your perfect will. Amen.


Keep walking royal,



Say Yes


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