Prepare for the Storm

I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.]

John 16:33 AMP

I will never get used to the snow.

I don’t welcome it. I can do without it.

But living in Cleveland my entire life, I have learned how to deal with it the best I can. (What other choice do I have, other than moving to the south and I don't want to be that far away from my momma).

So when snow storm Landon was predicted to arrive this week, the only silver lining that I could see was a day off from work. Either way, I had to prepare.

Tuesday: I did my grocery run to make sure the boys and I (and my grandparents) had our essential items. 

Wednesday: I organized my desk before leaving work, I filled my gas tank and pulled my car to the end of the driveway to minimize the likelihood of being trapped, just in case. I even informed my supervisor that if the college was to remain open he should prepare the others because I wasn't coming #PTO.

I wanted to be ready, I didn't want to be caught off guard not having what I needed, even though the only indication of the brewing storm was on the meteorologist's radar.

Sis, the Bible tells us in John 16:33 that because we live in this world, it is likely that we will deal with some trouble, some kind of storm--

Relational storms 

Financial storms

Health storms

Career storms

Parenting storms

Spiritual storms

Heck, for almost two years we've been hit with storm Corona and we are still waiting for it, and all its variants, to simmer down. 

Although we cannot predict the future,  we have an omniscient, or all-knowing, God who forewarned that the forecast of our lives may include a heavy downpour of rain (or snow) at some point. These situations can be used as a test to cultivate our faith; or they may be a strategy of the enemy to keep us stuck. If we are honest with ourselves, there are some storms created for us, by us, because we refuse to walk in obedience to God. 

Now, regardless of how the storm may come, we shouldn’t fix our eyes on the clouds like Chicken Little waiting for the sky to fall. However, this bit of intel that God provides should encourage us to equip ourselves with what we need to withstand whatever will blow our way.

So, how can we be “storm ready” for something that we can neither see coming or control? We should–

  • Get covered (Psalm 91:1-16)

Would you go into below zero temps without a coat or into a thunderstorm without an umbrella? Hopefully, not. Just as we wouldn’t be caught outside without some sort of covering to face the elements, we cannot live this life without being covered by God. This covering comes when we have accepted his son, Jesus, as our savior. This doesn’t mean that we won’t encounter trouble but when we do, we can be confident in His ability to keep us through it.

  • Get the essentials (Ephesians 6:10-18) 

I ran out to get water, gas and cookies, just in case we got snowed in. In the same way we have to equip ourselves daily with the essentials of our faith, the full armor of God. This armor, from the Belt of Truth to the Sword of the Spirit, allows us to fight against the schemes orchestrated by the enemy. If we do not familiarize ourselves with God’s truth, if we do not grow in our faith; and if we don’t allow the Holy Spirit to refine us before the storms we are at risk of being overwhelmed while in the midst of them.  

  • Get the forecast (Psalm 34:4))

Just as we tune-in to our local weathermen and women, we need to prioritize tuning into God through prayer. Will he tell us exactly what is on His radar? Maybe, maybe not, that's for Him to decide. But as we spend time with God in prayer, we become familiar with His voice, attune to His instructions, so when we are faced with trouble we seek Him for direction.

Looking out the window today (because I’m not going outside), Landon doesn’t seem to be as bad as it was predicted to be. Either way, I am able to rest because I was prepared. Similarly, as I go through the storms of life, as we speak, I am not in full panic mode (because if I’m honest, I have my moments). Sis, I am able to rest in God’s truth that says, He has overcome all my troubles and because I am in Him, I can victoriously weather the storm too. 

Keep Walking Royal,



The Best is YET to Come!


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