The Best is YET to Come!

36, is here.

I still feel like 18 on most days, so, I’m not too sure how I got here—closer to 40 than 30. I’m clutching my pearls, tighttttt.

This year I didn’t have any special celebrations and the plans that I did have, well, let’s just say they fell through. And if I’m honest, I almost allowed those cancelled plans to define what 36 will be like for me—-still living on the fringe but not quite experiencing the abundant life that God said I could have.

Extreme, I know. But isn’t that what happens sometimes? We allow some of most “simple” situations, people, things, words—to cloud the vision, make us blind to what He has already done and drown out the promises He has already spoken. Or is it just me?

But sis, as I prepared to sulk on Sunday, and I mean a—head buried under a cover kinda sulk—I was flooded with reminders of all that God did at 35—

How He provided

How He kept me in my right mind (c’mon on somebody!)

How He opened doors that I never imagined

How my kids were kept safe

How my family stayed healthy

How my home is still intact…

How He is the same God.

and this isn’t HALF of it!

So, on today, my 36th birthday, I am choosing to abide in the promise that what He began in me, will continue it’s journey to completion.

NO man, can stop it (emphasis added).

NO unmet expectations can block it.

NO devil in hell, will be able to thwart it.



Keep walking royal,



Guard Your Heart


Prepare for the Storm