Let Me Reintroduce Myself

For three weeks I was able to step away from social media (it was a bit longer for the blog). During my brief hiatus I was able to grieve, go to a prayer room, watch a ton of Netflix and just spend time with my family without the constant pressure to show up for the ‘gram and its cousins.

But now, I’m back and I’m ready. So, Let me reintroduce Walk Royal to you!

Walk Royal is a businesstry with a mission to equip women with the tools necessary to pursue a Godly identity, spiritual freedom, and the divine purpose for lives. The ultimate vision is for us (that’s right, this is for me too), to live empowered lives as we walk unapologetically as daughters of the King.

I didn’t realize until my early 30s that my childhood was riddled with trauma. It was then that the Holy Spirit unmasked the enemy’s strategy—convince me to forfeit my royalty. The enemy in all his messiness conditioned me to believe, in the most subtle ways, that I was not worthy of love, that I had no value, and no voice. Depression gripped me by the heels and I was focused on surviving with little hope of thriving.

But God!

He always pursued me and would never let me slip from his hands. He guided me through Psalms 139, spoke life to me through song, built up (and still building) my esteem; He placed women in my life to affirm me in my purpose. He broke (and still breaking) the chains that the enemy was hellbent on keeping me bound to. The Lord took me to 1 Peter 2:9 and let me know that—

“[I am] a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession” and that I was created to “declare the praises of Him who call [me] out of darkness into His wonderful light.”

And He gave me Walk Royal.

Over the next few weeks, I am going to break down Walk Royal and The Three Jewels—identity, freedom and purpose—and how God is using these areas to take me from a spiritual pauper to a Kingdom daughter.

Stay tuned.


Keep walking royal,



I’m Out


Guard Your Heart