I’m Out

If you follow me on social media, as inconsistent as I am (even with these blogs—can you believe it’s been a year since the last one? but I digress), I am pretty transparent about my life. Honestly, if it were my choice, I wouldn’t share half of what I do but there is always a push by Holy Spirit to tell my story as authentically as I can. And He’s pushing me further, even still.

Of course, you won’t be privy to every bullet-point but I don’t shy away from the struggles and triumphs that have been woven into my journey with Christ. Whether through social media posts, my Bible & Brunch events, or personal conversations, I'm an open book.

I’ve talked about my identity issues, martial challenges, depression (or least alluded to it). I’ve even shared my most recent diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis, violating my own HIPPA rights.

But ironically, I am awake at 1 AM writing this blog post because of a question I was posed tonight as I finished watching a sermon by Jerry Flowers Jr.

Will you tell them this, too?

And ya’ll already know, when Holy Spirit asks a question, it’s not because of his inquisitiveness, He is all-knowing. His questions are to prompt self-reflection and usually a gentle nudge to take action on something.

So, yes, Lord. I will.

In April 2024, after six years of being inactive, I officially denounced my membership to Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

How did I get here?

Around the time of my social media break in August 2023, the Lord began to bombard me with messages of idolatry, specifically related to sororities and fraternities. I began to recall without prompting the uneasiness I felt at the time of my initiation, that I ignored; I reread the sorority song, line by line; “ritual” kept clanging loudly in my ears and the story of Gideon tearing down the altar of Baal played like a rerun in my mind. Ultimately, my heart began to ache at the realization that I took an oath—signed, sealed and delivered—to a false god, one that, however so subtle, vied to lure my heart away from the only One who was worthy of it—Christ and Christ alone.

There are a lot of arguments against individuals denouncing and specifically the reasons why they have. But let me say this: if you consider yourself a believer and are in these organizations but you shame, are angered by, or try to silence another believer for a decision the LORD instructed them to make—I lovingly implore you to pray—

“Search me [thoroughly], Oh God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way” (Psalm 139:23-24).

Sis, I know this is a “hot topic” but let me reassure you I’m not a bandwagon kinda girl. What I am is a woman striving, however imperfectly, to be obedient to Jesus. Furthermore, I believe that the Lord is calling believers to assess all areas where we may have bowed, whether literally or figuratively, to little-g gods; and dismantle all the idols we have, knowingly or ignorantly, given our glory and worship to—-musicians, careers, identities, relationships, social media platforms, etc. etc. (because the list can be long).

I don’t know what the Lord is doing in this season but what I do know is that a flatfoot, ten-toes down decision has to be made about who we will serve. Whether you are contemplating joining an organization, just crossed five minutes ago or 40 years in, I pray that you seek the Lord for the boldness to lay down your offense (and allegiance) to do your research and a heart to surrender your will, for His.

Do not be yoked together with those who do not believe. For what partnership is there between righteousness and lawlessness? Or what fellowship does light have with darkness? What agreement does Christ have with Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? And what agreement does the temple of God have with idols? For we are the temple of the living God, as God said:

I will dwell
and walk among them,
and I will be their God,
and they will be my people.
Therefore, come out from among them
and be separate, says the Lord;
do not touch any unclean thing,
and I will welcome you.
And I will be a Father to you,
and you will be sons and daughters to me,
says the Lord Almighty.

2 Corinthians 6:14-18 CSB

As Dr. Latayna Moore said, “this is about deliverance”

Walk Royal


Let Me Reintroduce Myself